Norm Behling

Welcome to my photography homework site

If you have found your way here, you hopefully are either my prof or a fellow classmate.  I hope you enjoy what is posted, since I AM trying to get a good grade and do this for a living (more or less).  It's not just a job, it's a passion, and I enjoy it more than most of my other passions (drumming and motorcycle riding) - and that's saying a LOT!  I've been photographing for over 30 years, but more seriously for just the past 10 years.  Actually, I've never considered myself much of a photographer.  It's been through the encouragement and affirmation of others that has led me to finally believe that maybe I should be doing this for more than just myself.  So far I have not had any dissatisfied customers.  The work you find here on this site is not really the type of photography I personally enjoy (except the night shots).  However, it has helped me to learn more about my trade and what I DO enjoy.  Still, I hope I captured more than the required elements and that you enjoy the photos.

When photographing, I find my style more matches these three photographers (or at least I aspire to be like them).

Ansel Adams, because of his ability to master lighting situations and his superb photography of our national parks.  One of my favorite photos of his is the Church, Taos Pueblo National Historic Landmark, New Mexico.   This is a prime example of how he uses composition and complex lighting to master a photo that stands out.

Manual Alvarez Bravo, because of the way he captures moments in time that make you want to know more.  His photos beg you to tell a story, but leave you to create the story for yourself.  You find yourself asking questions, like what happened just before the shot was taken, or right after.

David DuChemin - - because of how his photos always offer hope.  I like the way he combines bright colors with the drab.  He uses great use of contrast to emphasize elements of the photo.  I find that in many ways I am most like David in my passion and vision for my photography. 
